IMPORTANT: The last day of the 2024 / 2025 tax year is Saturday 5 April.
Our online and postal ISA applications for this tax year will close from 5pm on Friday 28 March until the morning of Monday 7 April. Find out full details and timings for opening and funding ISAs with us within the current tax year.
Our new 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond (54) paying 4.60% AER on balances of £10,000+ is now on sale. Exclusively online only. Find out more here
We take the identification and remediation of wrongdoing very seriously, encouraging a culture which views raising concerns of malpractice as a valuable contribution towards our efficiency and long-term success.
The information you provide could prevent misconduct which could damage our reputation and/or performance. That’s why it’s really important that you raise any concerns. We welcome all disclosures and encourage you to make them.
We have provided some useful information to help you understand whistleblowing and whether this is the most appropriate route to raise your concern as there may be other, better suited options for you.