IMPORTANT: The last day of the 2024 / 2025 tax year is Saturday 5 April.
Our online and postal ISA applications for this tax year will close from 5pm on Friday 28 March until the morning of Monday 7 April. Find out full details and timings for opening and funding ISAs with us within the current tax year.
Our new 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond (54) paying 4.60% AER on balances of £10,000+ is now on sale. Exclusively online only. Find out more here
Online Service update. Due to planned essential maintenance our Online Service will be unavailable between Tuesday 25 March at 10:00pm until Wednesday 26 March at 1:00am. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Useful links
Useful website links to some well known and trusted financial, government, legal and educational organisations.
Here you will find a list of useful links and websites for help and advice about mortgages, housing, savings and other financial information:
Money Blog
Personal thoughts and tips from our experts covering topics from financial guidance to industry news and trends.
Frequently asked questions
If you have a question about savings or mortgages it may be solved in our frequently asked questions.