
Savings accounts to suit you

With 125 years' savings experience, we can help you get the best out of your money.

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What type of savings account are you looking for?

Our savings accounts give you options, whether you want different levels of access or higher interest rates....
Not sure of the best way to save? Why not try out our savings calculator

All our savings accounts are FSCS protected. 


Easy access

Make deposits and withdrawals most often.



Lock your money away to access higher rates.



Tax-free savings with different access options.


Children's accounts

Run your Bank of Mum and Dad as you wish.


Notice accounts

Give advanced notice before withdrawals.

Existing saver information

Not sure of the best way to save?

Try our savings calculator to see how Family Building Society accounts can help you reach your saving goals.

What do you want to calculate?

Over 125 years looking after people's money

For a long time we've been trusted to help people save for homes, holidays & more with a more small scale, personal approach as shown in our awards.

More about who we areView our awards

Contact our expert UK team

New enquiries

Savings - 03330 140141

Mortgages - 03330 140140

Existing customers

Savings - 03330 140144

Mortgages - 03330 140146

...or ask the way that suits you.

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We can call you back at a time that suits you.

Visit us in branch

Ashley Square, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5DD.

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