
A historic list of the winners of the Windfall Bond monthly free draw since we launched back in 2015

Please note: The Windfall Bond has been withdrawn for new account openings. However, the regular monthly draw will continue as normal.

All our savings accounts are FSCS protected.   FSCS - Logo

Our Windfall Bond monthly free draw takes place on the 10th working day of every calendar month.

We call all winners directly within 10 working days of the draw taking place to congratulate them with the good news.

Dates for your diary

14 August 2024

2024 Winners list

Ms Judith M & Mr Rex M – East Sussex

Mrs Pamela W – Warwickshire

Mrs Mavis D – Hampshire

Mrs Judith W – Nottinghamshire

Mrs Gloria B – Surrey

Mrs Anna T – Kent

Mr Ryszard P – West Sussex

Mr Roger L – Worcestershire

Mr Roger D – Surrey

Mr Robin C – Dorset

Mr Richard H – Cambridge

Mr Michael G – Derby

Mr Laurance H – Surrey

Mr Jack W – London

Mr Jack M – Northampton

Mr David W – Lancashire

Mr Colin A – Surrey

Miss Sherene S – Bournemouth

Miss Sharon M – Renfrewshire 

Mrs Anne R – Chester

Mr Lance W & Mrs Sharon W – Kent

Mr Robert M – Perthshire

Mr Harry R – Suffolk

Mrs Chloe C – Gloucestershire

Mr James B – Ayrshire

Mrs Caroline E – Surrey

Ms Christine M – Cambridge

Mr Stewart C – Glasgow

Mrs Nicola H – Worcester

Mrs Cynthia S – East Sussex

Mrs Elizabeth B – Bedfordshire

Miss Susan G – Essex

Mrs Stefania H – London

Mr Ian G – Shropshire

Mr Nicholas F – Norwich

Mrs Margaret O – Plymouth

Mrs Mary B – Devon 

Miss Susan L – Cheshire

Mr Andrew C – Berkshire 

Mr Anthony M & Mrs Barbara M – West Sussex

Mr Anthony T – Cambridgeshire

Mr Clifford S – Surrey

Mr David D – West Midlands 

Mr Howard C – Hertfordshire 

Mr John L & Mrs Elsie L – Dorset 

Mr Jonathan C – Wiltshire 

Mr Richard M – North Yorkshire 

Mr Stephen B – West Glamorgan 

Mr Stephen S – Kent 

Mr Thomas L – Lanarkshire

Mrs Nicola S – Devon

Mrs Nirmala U – Middlesex 

Ms Janet D – Suffolk 

Mr Kenneth S – Surrey 

Mr Karol K & Mrs Maria K – Dorset

Mr Stephen B – Reading 

Mr Stephen L & Mrs Suzanne L - Dorset

Mr Roger M – Merseyside 

Mr Ian M & Mrs Catherine M – Northumberland

Mrs Helen P – Yorkshire 

Mr Brendan R – Essex 

Mr Anthony L – Buckinghamshire 

Mr Andrew B & Mrs Georgina B - West Yorkshire 

Mr Jonathan B – Berkshire 

Mr Garry B – Bedfordshire 

Mr Derek W & Mildred W - Lancashire

Mrs Charlotte K – London Miss Elizabeth H – Surrey 

Mrs Penelope C – East Sussex 

Miss Elizabeth H – Surrey

Mr Ronald C – Lancashire 

Mr Nigel W – Worcestershire 

Mrs Susan G – Dorset 

Mrs Kathleen S – Devon

 Mr Neil K – Surrey

Mrs Lindy H – Leicestershire

Mr Samuel I – County Antrim

Mr Waqas M – London

 Mrs Maria E – North Yorkshire

Ms Sally P – Warwickshire 

Mrs Glenys S  - Surrey 

Ms Sally J – Oxfordshire 

Mr David M – Cleveland 

Mr Daniel B – Lancashire

Mr John M – Dorset 

Mr Jonathan M – Surrey 

Mrs Alison D – West Yorkshire

Mr Anil M – West Midlands 

Mr Michael V – Merseyside

Mr Jonathan C – Staffordshire

Ms Iris F – Lancashire

Mrs Raymonde M – Surrey

Mr Peter C – Bedfordshire

Mr Mark S & Mrs Carol S – Greater Manchester

Mr Gareth E – Glamorgan

Mr Sanjeev S & Mrs Sapna S – Essex

Mrs Anita G – Lincolnshire

Mr Kevin O – West Midlands

Mr Simon J – Lancashire

Mr Nobel C – Surrey

Ms Sally J – Oxfordshire

Miss Susan G – Essex

Miss Ann B – Hampshire

Mrs Lynn W – Merseyside 

Mr Malcolm B – London 

Mr Stuart R – Norfolk 

Mrs Ying C – Leicestershire 

Mr Stephen G – West Yorkshire 

Mr Jonathan B – Berkshire 

Mr Paul R – London

Mrs Jane R – Lancashire 

Mr James T – Yorkshire 

Mr Andrew H – Kent 

Mrs Claire B – Northampton 

Mr David D – Yorkshire 

Dr Michael G – Warwickshire 

Mrs Alison D – West Yorkshire 

Mr Michael D & Mrs Karen D – London 


Number and value of prizes won in 2024

 Prize Jan  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNovDec

£10,000 2210212

£2,500  2233222

£1,000 14131113131110

Total number of prizes won


Total value per month£89,000£88,000


Total prize fund won in 2024 (year to date) = £525,000.

Number and value of prizes won in 2023

 Prize Jan  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNovDec
£10,000 222222121212
£2,500  233223332331
£1,000 151412111411121314131411

Total number of prizes won

Total value per month£90,000£91,500£89,500£36,000£39,000£88,500£29,500£90,500£79,000£90,50081,500£83,500


Total prize fund won in 2023 (year to date) = £889,000


Number and value of prizes won in 2022

 Prize Jan  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNovDec
£10,000 122222122222
£2,500  332333333233
£1,000 151515131515151412141413

Total number of prizes won

Total value per month£32,500£92,500


Total prize fund won in 2022 (year to date) = £ 975,000.00 


Number and value of prizes won in 2021

 Prize Jan  Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNovDec
£50,000 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 001
£10,000 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 102
£2,500  2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 333
£1,000 12 11 14 10 11 10 10 7 11 111311

Total number of prizes won

 17 13 18 15 16 16 15 13 15 151617
Total value per month£87,000£23,500£39,000 £85,000 £78,500 £87,500£77,500£84,500 £36,000£28,500£20,500£88,500


Total prize fund won in 2021 (year to date) = £ 736,000.00 

What are the chances of winning a prize?

Find out more about the odds of winning a prize.

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to the most common questions our members ask about the Windfall Bond.