Money blog
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Young people must come first
- Covid-19
- Money & Lifestyle
Covid-19 has hit the over 65s hard. It has also cut the ground from under the feet of the under 25s in particular but also Generation Y. And we are all going to be poorer for a long time.
June 2020
Is this the 'end of the beginning'? Part 2
- Covid-19
- Money & Lifestyle
We are emerging from this global crisis, of that there is no doubt. Economies around the world are beginning to take the padlocks off and opening the doors of business again.
June 2020
Is this the 'end of the beginning'? Part 1
- Covid-19
- Money & Lifestyle
Churchills famous words resonate around us now. Our greatest leader was talking in 1942 of the hard-won victory in North Africa over massed German forces. Britain and its Commonwealth Allies had battled hard to show what Churchill argued was not the Beginning of the End of the Second World War but was the first sign that it could be won.
June 2020
Reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3…
- Covid-19
- Money & Lifestyle
So sang the late, great post-punk storyteller Ian Dury. He was himself a man who faced challenges. Though he never allowed his physical handicap – polio – or his cultural one, namely an inability to sing very well, to stop him from reaching pop superstardom.
April 2020
Degrees of difficulty – so think before you leap
- Fraud
- Later life planning
- Saving for the future
A startling study released last week shows those educated to degree-level are more at risk of pension fraud than those without the qualification. A survey from the Financial Conduct Authority and the Pension Regulator shows fraudsters offering ‘free pension reviews’ with unsolicited phone calls target those with larger pension pots.
November 2019
The big householder question answered
- Generational divide
It’s perhaps one of the great first-world questions of our time. Not, will I need a visa to go to France next year, nor, will my adult kids ever leave home, nor, why are avocados so expensive these days, but: How much cheaper is it to pay off a mortgage than rent for 30 years?
November 2019
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- 2 (current)
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