  • Please note that our Online Saver (7) has been withdrawn from sale. Any customers that have recently applied for this account will have 15 calendar days to initially fund their account.
  • With more prizes available in the Monthly Free Prize Draws - effective from 1 October 2024. Find out more here

    New Windfall Bond account holders: Newly opened accounts need to be fully funded and nominated bank details registered before the end of August in order to be eligible for entry into the October Prize Draw.

    Existing Windfall Bond account holders: Current Windfall Bond account(s) will automatically be entered into the October Prize Draw; until then the prize draws will continue as normal.

  • Savings: Interest rates for Windfall Bond and Tracker Savings Bond will decrease by 0.25% from 1 September 2024. We will be writing to all customers individually to confirm the new rates.

    Mortgages: Tracker mortgages will change on 25 September 2024 and we will write to customers individually with revised payment details where the new rate exceeds the minimum rate (or ‘floor’) already applying to their mortgage.

    (Notice updated 05/08)

  • From Thursday 22 August, we reduced our rates on all our fixed rate mortgage products.

    From 19 September 2024, we'll also be reducing our Managed Mortgage Rates (MMR) by 0.25%. All on-sale discounted variable product rates and other details, including representative examples displayed on our website, have been updated to reflect these lower rates. We will be writing to existing customers who have been impacted by this change, shortly, with details relevant to them. Find out full details here.

Intergenerational wealth transfer - you can’t spend it twice!

  • Money & Lifestyle

A report published today on intergenerational transfer of wealth, sponsored by the Family Building Society, explores the effects its having on UK families.

February 2022

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The Savings Habit

  • Money & Lifestyle
  • Saving for the future
  • Savings

Do we teach our children enough about the importance of saving rather than spending? How can we educate young people so they that they try and start saving as early as they can, with whatever spare cash they may have? A recent experience has taught me that youngsters have far more potential to be habitual savers than we elders might realise. There is hope for a new generation of savers yet.

June 2021

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Your quarterly Market Tracker account rate review - interest rate reductions

  • Savings
Your Market Tracker account is designed to give you the peace of mind that you’re always receiving a competitive interest rate. As we review the rates available from our reference group four times a year, you don’t have the hassle of checking the market and regularly moving your money about.

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Time to watch out for a friend in need

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle

Is now the winter of our discontent? On the face of it, there is plenty to be gloomy about. After months of lockdown and restrictions on our freedoms of movement, crushing economic consequences and health concerns for family and friends, it would be forgivable to feel down and glum.

October 2020

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Learn, repeat and master

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage

I am teaching my daughter to drive. Or rather, I am trying not to shout and/or burst into tears at every junction, roundabout and parking space.

September 2020

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We’re all going on a Sunak holiday

  • Covid-19
  • Family Mortgage
  • Mortgages

I was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend who gave an interesting (if unfortunate in her case) apocryphal story about the immediate affect of the Chancellor’s Stamp Duty holiday.

July 2020

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What our CEO Mark Bogard believes the Chancellor should have talked about

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle
  • Saving for the future

The Family Building Society believes that the Covid-19 crisis allows the Treasury to develop further its leading role in radical economic policy-making.

July 2020

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Young people must come first

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle

Covid-19 has hit the over 65s hard. It has also cut the ground from under the feet of the under 25s in particular but also Generation Y. And we are all going to be poorer for a long time.

June 2020

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Is this the 'end of the beginning'? Part 2

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle

We are emerging from this global crisis, of that there is no doubt. Economies around the world are beginning to take the padlocks off and opening the doors of business again.

June 2020

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Is this the 'end of the beginning'? Part 1

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle

Churchills famous words resonate around us now. Our greatest leader was talking in 1942 of the hard-won victory in North Africa over massed German forces. Britain and its Commonwealth Allies had battled hard to show what Churchill argued was not the Beginning of the End of the Second World War but was the first sign that it could be won.

June 2020

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Reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3…

  • Covid-19
  • Money & Lifestyle

So sang the late, great post-punk storyteller Ian Dury. He was himself a man who faced challenges. Though he never allowed his physical handicap – polio – or his cultural one, namely an inability to sing very well, to stop him from reaching pop superstardom.

April 2020

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Degrees of difficulty – so think before you leap

  • Fraud
  • Later life planning
  • Saving for the future

A startling study released last week shows those educated to degree-level are more at risk of pension fraud than those without the qualification. A survey from the Financial Conduct Authority and the Pension Regulator shows fraudsters offering ‘free pension reviews’ with unsolicited phone calls target those with larger pension pots.

November 2019

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The big householder question answered

  • Generational divide

It’s perhaps one of the great first-world questions of our time. Not, will I need a visa to go to France next year, nor, will my adult kids ever leave home, nor, why are avocados so expensive these days, but: How much cheaper is it to pay off a mortgage than rent for 30 years?

November 2019

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Choked off Stamp Duty giving government a headache

  • First time buyers
  • Later life planning

It seems the UK government might have another little headache on its hands. And this is one which might benefit us all as pressure continues to build on the power-that-be to reform the moribund Stamp Duty regime.

October 2019

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Anxious empty-nesters have nothing to fear

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • Later life planning

In our enlightened age where we are more sensitive about conditions which were previously cured with a swift ‘pull your socks up’ – a new syndrome has been identified. It is called Empty Nest Syndrome.

October 2019

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Lending to your children – how to do it right

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • Money & Lifestyle

The Earth is spherical, concrete is hard and there’s no rhyme for orange. And in further unsurprising news, the Bank of Mum and Dad is now a top ten lender in the UK, dishing out £6.3bn in the last year to help get their children on the housing ladder.

October 2019

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Money matters, so talk and be open about it

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • Money & Lifestyle

In this digital era where dialogue tends to be undertaken in silence with two thumbs and a mobile phone, one wonders if the true art of conversation – like rhetoric – is being forgotten.

October 2019

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How to avoid your BoMaD dream becoming a nightmare

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • Money & Lifestyle

Cue sound of stomping upstairs. Cue stomping. Loud teenage female voice: “If you hate me so much why did you bother having me!” Slam of door vibrates through house. “You’re still not borrowing the car!” Roll forward 15 years. “But Dad! I thought it was a gift! The money for the house, I mean (tears). You never said it was a loan and now you want it back with interest!” Ooops. The joys of parenthood huh?

October 2019

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Time to sit for your BoMaD exams

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • Money & Lifestyle

Even if you didn’t have the extreme misfortune to have booked a late summer holiday with Thomas Cook, you will no doubt still be wincing slightly at the forgotten credit card bills from foreign restaurants, cafes and adventures.

September 2019

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Happy birthday to us – with the emphasis on happy

  • Bank of Mum and Dad
  • Family Mortgage
  • First time buyers
  • Later life planning
  • Saving for the future

It used to be said by insurance salesmen of the old school, that the way to sell life assurance was to ‘scare ‘em to death’. So if the salesman was talking to a couple, he’d start talking to the woman. Often the man would interject fairly quickly. The salesman would say to the woman, “No, imagine that he’s dead”. The man would often just keep going. At this point the salesman would get out a small coffin and say, “No, you’re in there!”

August 2019

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