  • We’ll shortly be making some changes to our Online Service to make it simpler and easier for you to use.  

    Our new Online Service will have a modern design, improved navigation and many added benefits.  

    Find out more about the changes

  • From 1 March, our Windfall Bond savings account will earn you 3.50% annual interest (Gross AER).

    With exclusive entry into a monthly free prize draw with prizes ranging between £100 and £50,000.
    Click here to find out more and apply.

    Notice updated: 3 March 2025

  • IMPORTANT: The last day of the 2024 / 2025 tax year is Saturday 5 April.

    Our online and postal ISA applications for this tax year will close from 5pm on Friday 28 March until the morning of Monday 7 April. Find out full details and timings for opening and funding ISAs with us within the current tax year.

  • Mortgage products - From today, Monday 24 March, we’ve made changes to our mortgage product range. These include an increase to our Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP) maximum loan size for Owner Occupier Repayment mortgages to £1,000,000, new Owner Occupier Interest-Only mortgages to 80% LTV, and the introduction of our House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) mortgages to general sale.


  • Our new 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond (54) paying 4.60% AER on balances of £10,000+ is now on sale. Exclusively online only.  Find out more here

Annual General Meeting

The National Counties Building Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 30 April 2025.

Annual General Meeting - have your say

Annual General Meeting - have your say

The Society's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at our head office in Epsom:

  • Date:   Wednesday 30 April
  • Time:   2pm
  • Venue: Ebbisham House, 30 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4NL.

This meeting is an opportunity to have your say in the way both National Counties Building Society and Family Building Society are run. Your views are important to us.

There are three ways to vote:
  • Online
  • By post, or
  • Attend the AGM in person

If you're not attending the AGM, then your vote must be received by no later than 5pm on 25 April 2025.


There will be an opportunity to raise questions at the AGM however, if you're unable to attend you can email us questions in advance of the meeting and we'll try and answer every question raised. 

If you would like to raise a question, please send us an email at

To vote online you'll need the unique Login and PIN details which can be found on:

  • your proxy form or
  • on the email we sent you, if you have registered to receive AGM notifications electronically.

Note: The online voting service is available 24 hours a day until 5pm on 25 April 2025. Votes received after this date will not be counted.

Donation to charity

For each member who votes online we'll donate 25p to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. The charity supports the work of The Royal Marsden, the world-leading cancer centre at its sites in Sutton and Chelsea.

Please complete and sign the AGM proxy voting form that has been sent to you and then return it to us in the pre-paid envelope provided. It must arrive no later than 5pm on 25 April 2025

As a Member of our Society you're invited to join us and vote at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

This year our AGM is on:

Date: Wednesday 30 April 2pm at our head office

Address: Ebbisham House, 30 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4NL

Directions to our head office can be found here.

If you are joining us and have any specific requirements, please call our Family Service Team on our dedicated number: 03300 244619.  

Our opening hours are Monday - Friday: 9am - 5.30pm, excluding Bank Holidays.

All votes at the AGM need to be cast in person or by the appointment of a proxy. For those members who are unable to attend the meeting there is the option to appoint a proxy (either the Chairman or a named proxy), to vote on your behalf at the meeting. The proxy must vote following your instructions unless you allow them to use their discretion.

  1. Quick Vote. You can choose the Society’s Chairman to be your ‘proxy’ and vote on your behalf at the AGM (which is a vote ‘for’ every resolution).
  2. Standard Vote. You can instruct your proxy how you wish to vote on each resolution. The Society’s Chairman will act as your proxy and cast your votes as instructed.
  3. You can appoint another individual to act as your proxy and attend the AGM to vote on your behalf.

    If you've already logged onto the website, confirmed your choices and completed all the steps, then your vote has been registered. If you supply your email address at the end of the process you will receive an email confirming your voting choices.

    If you wish to change your vote, please call our dedicated AGM phone number 03300 244619.

    If you haven't done so already you can register to receive future information about our AGM by email, as well as committing to voting online. This helps us to reduce the amount of paper we use, so it's great for the environment.

    By going paperless, you'll have easy access to all the information about the AGM, and there will be handy links to the voting portal, making the voting process quick and easy.

    If you would like to receive future information about our AGM by email, please email confirming the following:

    • your full name
    • your address
    • your email address.
    By supplying your email address, you agree to place your vote using our online voting system, and also to receive future information about our AGM by email link to the documents on our website. This will not affect the way in which you receive other communications from us.
    If for any reason we are unable to use your email address to send you information about our AGM, we will send you a copy in the post instead.

      If you have any questions about voting or the AGM, please call the Family Service Team on our dedicated AGM number: 03300 244619 or email

      Our opening hours are Monday - Friday: 9am - 5.30 excluding Bank Holidays

      Go paperless for AGM information

      You can now opt to receive your AGM information packs by email, saving paper, and saving you time too.

      Board of Directors

      Find out more about our Board of Directors.

      AGM information on our NCBS website

      This information can also be found on our National Counties Building Society website.